Learning the ABCs of ABA

ABA therapy is almost always performed within the context of play. So we invite you to bring your creativity and imagination as you join us in this ABA fun facts blog – and most importantly, bring your sense of fun as we learn more about ABA!


First things first, if you’re not sure exactly what we mean when we talk about ABA therapy, ABA stands for Applied Behavior Analysis and it’s a widely recognized therapy based on the science of behavior and learning. Therapists have used ABA to help children and adults with Autism and other developmental disorders since the 1960s.


Behavior analysis involves studying how behavior works, how learning happens, and how behavior is affected – and can be influenced – by environmental factors. ABA therapy takes the science of behavior analysis into real world situations, with the goal of decreasing behaviors that are harmful or negatively impact learning – and replacing them with behaviors that are helpful and facilitate progress.


ABA therapy programs can help increase language skills, decrease problem behaviors and improve performance in:

  •       Social skills
  •       Memory
  •       Communication
  •       Attention and focus
  •       Learning and academics


Fun Fact A: ABA for All


Everyone can benefit from ABA therapy. ABA Therapies have helped many kinds of learners gain different skills – from learning new languages to developing healthier lifestyles. Some examples of human conditions that can be treated with ABA therapy include:

  •       Writer’s block and other issues with creativity
  •       Substance abuse or addictions of all types (like overeating, gambling, smoking, etc.)
  •       Brain injuries
  •       Gerontological (aging) concerns


ABA therapy can also be used to enhance skills in areas like sports, dance or music – or just improving posture if that’s as athletic as you get. Also, another use is modifying public and safety behaviors (like wearing seatbelts, recycling, shoplifting prevention, etc.).


It’s been studied for use in prison systems and business or workplace settings. They’ve even studied the use of ABA therapy on the work habits of Congress.


Fun Fact B: Bears, Bettas and Bengals Benefit too.


Animals, much like humans, respond incredibly well to ABA therapy. Sniffy is a famous virtual lab rat that’s been used to teach ABA concepts – and there are real life rats who have been trained to sniff out land mines and save lives. There are ABA articles on work done with animal subjects ranging from Bengal tigers to grizzly bears and Siamese fighting fish (also known as bettas).


ABA has been used for decades to train dogs to carry out important work. For centuries, dogs were work animals, not just pets – think St. Bernards, trained by monks, to find people lost in the snow, or German Shepherds or Great Pyrenees who worked to herd or protect livestock. ABA takes animal training to another level and can be one of the most effective animal training tools.


ABA can also be used in training animals for better day-to-day living with humans and other animals – making them better companions and playmates for everyday life.


Also, some ABA therapists actually make animals a part of their ABA therapy with children and adults with Autism and other developmental disabilities.


Fun Fact C: Celebrating Countless Changed Lives


ABA therapy has been one of the most commonly used approaches for Autism and other developmental disabilities since the 1960s. It is highly-individualized and may look completely different for every person and practitioner – but the theory underlying the therapy is the same. The results have been profound and there is no question that it has changed lives.


Early intervention linked with ABA therapy is crucial. Today, the average age of first intervention is 4.7 years. That is tremendous progress.


While only 21% of people in the U.S. with disabilities, including Autism, are employed, the good news is that almost 60% of people with Autism in the U.S. are employed after receiving vocational rehabilitation services. At least 70% of eligible autistic individuals in the U.S. receive vocational rehabilitation – and 50% of those youth who receive vocational rehabilitation began those services in high school.


Did you know that 74% of students with Autism in the U.S. graduate with a diploma? Compare that to 86% of all high school students!


How We Use ABA Therapy at BHA


At BHA, we combine social, language, and life skills, utilizing ABA therapies, along with positive behavioral interventions and supports, customizing our approach to each individual’s needs.


We’re intervening earlier and making a tremendous difference – and all the progress we’ve made is why we can focus on so much good news in this field. What could be more fun than celebrating the progress we’re seeing among the individuals we serve?


With evidence-based care, our credentialled and certified staff utilizes a multidisciplinary approach, combining data-driven methods and ABA therapies with practical life skills training. Our staff includes ABA specialists like:

  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA)
  • Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBA)
  • Provisionally Licensed Behavior Analysts (P-LBA)
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Special Education Teachers
  • Direct Support Professionals (DSP)
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT)


At Behavioral Health Allies, we provide a lifetime of hope and new opportunities for individuals and their families to grow, learn, and live. From early intervention and education to community living and transportation services, we have developed a reputation for providing an unparalleled continuum of care across the lifespan – and ABA plays an important role in what we do every day.

“Their perception is not one-size-fits-all, which reflects seeing each individual with value, with unique needs.”


-Resident Parent

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